Future of web: Video codecs built on web technologies

"Mozilla and OTOY deliver the power of native PC applications to the Web, unveil next generation JavaScript video codec for movies and cloud gaming."   - announcement of Mozilla and OTOY.


ORBX.js is downloadable HD video codec built on JavaScript and WebGL.a This javascript library that enables Windows, Linux or Mac OSX apps to be virtualized in the cloud and streamed to any HTML5-enabled browser, including those running on mobile devices - according to Mozilla.

The companies already demonstrated Autodesk 3ds Max 2014, Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Valve’s PC game service running entirely through HTML5 on all major browsers, using only JavaScript.

A high quality video stream backed by such a codec could enable many new cloud based applications. Think of the amazing 3D games that we have on PCs, consoles, and handheld devices thanks to the GPU. Now think of hundreds of GPUs in the cloud, working for you to over-detail, ray/path-trace in realtime, encode video, do arbitrary (GPGPU) computation.

Think about it, the future of web: You could run any software directly from cloud.  

Official representing of ORBX.js: http://www.otoy.com/130501_OTOY_release_FINAL.pdf

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